Monday, May 05, 2008

May 10 TJ Norris at NAAU

TJ Norris opens his show INFINITUS - Tribryd Pt. III in the New American Art Union as part of the Couture'08 series. Norris is known for visual as well as sound work. He also wins the copywriting award of the month with this:
"'Infinitus' is a seamless, endless city….

Imagine the entire globe manifesting itself by its interconnected
man-made mini malls and the like. It is a viral sign, a shift towards
the abandonment of the fragility of nature altogether. A world minus
the underbelly of the faded industrial age. A city, in fact, that
could stand to exist without population per se. Skyscrapers reach
higher, taking the place of the more organic mountain peak or paper
mills. A cyclical break in urban origins, perhaps only in the hands of
a wizard with a master development plan. Combine this with the
synethasiea caused by the artifice of the inferred dance floor, the
glittering globe transcending from the ceiling, a blatant metaphor of
our fragmented planet. Something mono happens. It's that very moment
when space and time intersect, it can be nullifying, disorienting.
When akin to the power of the line, the basic shape of anything that
falls before air, frontal or shaped, becomes only the reality of the
flat surface.

The great French philosopher Emmanuel LĂ©vinas navigated the
ontological world of the Other, a metaphysical discourse regarding
intersubjective relationships. This sense of primal association of
chance is something I see as shock, to the self - the spirit of both
body and mind. This relates back to the body in space. In my practice
there lies a fascination with that split second of awareness, the
SNAP! Only to a formal extent does it have anything to do with
traditional photography, but we've learned much from the lens. There's
so much we cast in memory, lines and silhouetted shapes, sometimes
blurred through the peripheral way we gaze and view the world. We
endow these glints with subliminal power. Everyday we experience the
pictorial, and keep it locked in our perceptual consciousness. We
create our own synaptic, conceptual images. It is in these very
moments that we experience a charge, or as I am exploring, a glitch."

At New American Art Union 922 SE Ankeny 6PM-10 Free