Thursday, March 28, 2019

March 29 Nanoplastic Dough

Angela Haseltine Pozzi is a late career artist living in Bandon Oregon. She collects beach trash, plastic, and crafts it into large sculptures of the sealife it is impacting.

It is impacting us too. Most salt in food is processed from seawater. Our single use plastics find their way to the ocean where they are battered into smaller and smaller pieces. Those nanoplastics end up in table salt and in processed foods.

The work is accessible, not art school-driven art. That's good, because the message needs to reach everyone. Her project is documented at

The talk is part of the international Creative Mornings monthly. It is almost always sold out in advance. Creative Mornings talk at the Evergreen 618 SE Alder 8:30AM Free

Stacy Elaine Dacheux is a multi artist from LA. She opens her drawings show, Dough, tonight. The show includes her super 8 film and live readings by local writers 7PM-8:30. There is a writers conference in town, so this garage gallery will be host to events Saturday (and Thursday March 28.) All the information is at Some of the events are designed for children. At 1122 Gallery, gallery in a garage, 1122 SE 88th. 6PM-10 Free