Saturday, April 09, 2022

April 10 Revolution

Some classical music, meaning scored music where the paper scores survived, like the written word which survived for literature, was pop music in its time. That included chamber music improvised in a jam.

Even big famous works, that required a lot of money to stage with a symphony, were savaged by critics in their time. An amusing collection of those is in the book A Lexicon of the Musical Invective. The author of that Nicolas Slonimsky,, outlived his own critics to age 101. It is worth an entertaining read if you think classical music is boring.

Classical Revolution PDX takes a lighthearted accessible approach to classical music here. They have classical music open mics and they are back.

Classical Revolution PDX instantiates their monthly chamber jam tonight at The Waypost, 3120 N. Williams 6:30PM-9 Free