Saturday, September 10, 2022

September 10 - 11 At Last!

Portland's Deaf film Festival is Saturday and Sunday. It includes Portland's first annual art and craft show by deaf artists and makers on Sunday. There is also an evening social at another location. Saturday films from Noon to 2:30 are family-friendly. Sunday films are all documentaries. There are many breaks for socializing.

Here is the full rundown:

Saturday 12PM-8PM 12pm-1PM Festival Opening and Family Friendly Films 12-12:30 Intersectional Souls Project (30:00) 12:30-12:35 Mouth Language Device (4:57) 12:36-12:37 Solir The Alien (10:00) 12:38-12:48 The Gingerbread Witch (10:00) 12:49-1:06 Dimensions (17:00)

1:15-2:25 Changer A Handtelling (70:00)


2:45-2:50 A New man (music video) (4:45) 2:50-2:56 So It Goes (5:55) 2:57-3:03 REAL (5:00) 3:03-3:13 The Participant (9:35) 3:14-3:16 Bent (1:23) 3:16-3:31 Hamburger Airplane (16:09)


3:40-3: The Word Factory (18:00) 3:45-4:00 Elevated (15:00) 4:02-4:15 The Last Words (12:00)

4:45-5:10PM Adult Films - Asia

4:45-5:10 Let The Chips Fall (23:00)

5:30-6:55PM Adult Films- Shorts Europe and Eastern Europe

5:30-5:37 Scotland Forgive Me (6:14) 5:37-5:43 Assassin (5:05) 5:45-5:52 Duplicitous (5:32) 5:53-5:57 Breaking Point (4:01)

6:15-6:20 Guilty Conscience (4:28) 6:20-6:26 Faith (6:20) 6:27-7PM House (30:00)

Sunday 12pm-8pm


12PM- 12:40PM With Capital D (37:20)

1PM-2:20PM Glittering Hands (80:00)

2:40-3:15PM Deaf Kilmarnock (34:18)

3:25-4:35PM The Time is Right for Us (70:00)

5PM-5:20 Between Two Worlds (17:53) 5:20-5:26 Mister Michel (16:00)

5:45-7:45 Tazza Superstar (116mins)

Artists and makers include:

Cymaspace, Brad James Thornberry, painting; Fred Gravatt, painting; Aimee, painting; Thorne Davis tarot card reading; Lesli Holderby, crafts; Kali Doubletree, painting; Hannah Wheatcroft, paintings; Lennox Zer Art, painting, Heather Anderson, crafts, and with information, Open Hand Health and Bridges Oregon.

At the Holiday Inn 8439 NE Columbia Holiday Inn Noon-7 Free

Saturday night from 8pm to close we are collaborating with POP for a special night of social at HI-TOP, located on 5015 NE Fremont Free