Saturday, May 20, 2023

May 20-21Plant Rock Plane

Rare Plant Research is a rare plant nursery which sells rare plants on the Internet. They are open just one weekend year to the public for plant sales. They are open this weekend. It really is a special place. You can visit Rare Plant Research
11900 S Criteser Rd, Oregon City. Do not park on Criteser road, parkin in their field. 11PM-4 Free

It's also the Mt Hood Rock Club rock show.

And another unusual event is a rare performance of 1000 Airplanes on the Roof by Philip Glass. The play is a deranged monolog perhaps sugesting alien abduction.

Third Angle did a lot of work to reconstruct the score which was in disarray. They are playing it under the Spruce Goose at the Evergreen Air Museum 1000 Airplanes on the Roof 500 NE Captain Michael King Smith Way, McMinnville, OR 8PM $60/$25 students