Friday, May 10, 2024

May 10 Somewhere Light Overlapping Memory

The Lobby At Ellen Browning opens group show Somewhere in the Middle.

They get the copywriting award for the month:

""Artists habitually want the viewer to decipher what the artwork means to them, often rebuffing any attempt at an explanation. Jasper Johns, the celebrated American artist, is famously elusive. He once joked that, of the dozens of books that have been written about his art, his favorite one was written in Japanese. What he liked is that he could not understand it.

The art works included in the exhibition, Somewhere in the Middle, allow just that. Instead of simple explanation, the viewer is thrust into narratives, be it abstraction or representation, without explanation, placing them squarely in the midst of a story that is currently unfolding.has been doing excellent curation. They are a very chill space to stop by for a quiet viewing limited hours.""

The project is a notable admixture of real estate development and art. Another notible example was the Queens West gentrification in Toronto. It was a low rent neighborhood I walked and met with artist studios. The condo developers bought art from displaced artists. Then each new condo buyer had a choice to own from the collection on signing.

Kids day is Saturday Noon-2PM

At The Lobby At Ellen Browning 2871 SE Division Street. 5PM-7 Free

Mia Farrington brings Creatures of Light, abstract paintings. Morgan Bak brings Overlapping Memories impressionist drawing-style paintings.

At Stephanie Chefas gallery 134 SE Taylor, Ste 203. Map. 5PM-8 Free

Matrilineal Memory is a solo show by Mikaela Shafer (Hopi, Coyote Clan) It includes textile work and her writing.

She is one of the LIFT cohort of early-career artists. That program is a notable artist program.

At the Center for Native Arts & Cultures 800 SE 10th (old YU building with a waterfall in the basement) 5PM-8 RSVP to Free

Poems out the window continue at sunset tonight.