Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28 Wandering Beat Moment

The Daipan Butoh Collective in Seattle present their annual outdoor, Wandering & Wondering, in Seattle's Kubota Gardens.

Kubota is the original family home and nursery of Fujitaro Kubota. It is now a city park and free. If you are in Portland, the Portland Japanese Garden curator has been advising them and his rock work is identifiable by sytle.

This year the performers are dispersed, compared to previous years where they were in one spot. Performers are Joan Laage, Dhyana Garcia, Kaoru Okumura, Amy Ward, Bruce Fogg, Leatha McKenzie, Alycia Scott Zollinger, Julie Becton Gillum, Michael Shannon, and David Stanford.

Parking can be fierce, so share those rides. Secure valuables in vehicles out of sight.

Daipan Butoh presents Wandering and Wondering 55th Avenue South, Seattle, WA  Map  Noon-3 Free

If you are in Seatown, 206Zulu throws down their annual Beat Masters battle. It's a battle of producers of hip hop bringing their short fresh tracks. 1st prize is dolla 1000 cash money and 2nd is 500.

Judges are DJ Qbert, Baba Maraire, Dume41. Lace those shoes because cyphers will form up. You can check past years on their YouTube. Suprisingly pretty.

206Zulu Beat Masters Battle At Westlake Park 401 Pine Street, Seattle. 2PM-7 All ages, Free

More get your park on, Realistic Moment rings in Leach Botanical Gardens. Realistic Moment is a local varied music event producer.

Quickly, Omari Jazz and Harlan Alexander Silverman as Zaam Unit, from LA Qur’an Shaheed, Sharada Shashidhar and Me’kala Session, and DJ Stepdad with ambient from NY perform.

Vibe it on the tree bridge with blankets, chairs, a picnic.

Realistic Moment at Leach Botanical gardents Tickets: At Leach Botanical Garden 6704 SE 122nd 4:30PM-8:30 $30 Kids Free

Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25-28 Seattle Art Fair

Seattle has more money so it has more art. They are far down on the great art chain of being. But they have their own art fair child of the Allen family.

Seattle galleries, some Portland ones, and a few national/international galleries present. It is privatey curated by the individual for-profit galleries, unlike a nonprofit group show.

Portland galleries After/Time, Blind Insect, J. Pepin, PDX Contemporary, Russo Lee, Waterstone represent aong

Many of our Portland projects offer free passes on request. If you want to experience a commercial art fair, this is probably the closest. It's about a quarter mile walk from Amtrak.

The Seattle Art Fair at Lumen Field and points about town. Thursday openining events, Friday and Saturday 11AM—7, Sunday 11AM—6 Various prices

Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 21 Casual Cave Cat Harp

Modular On The Spot is back after a heat break.

Eric Schlappi, Cave Cricket, Casual Decay, Meagan Jane Marron, Cat Fax and Dashka+Limanjaya perform. Cave Cricket is known to combine voice with synth, and Dashka harp with synth.

No restrooms or water. Parking can be a challenge. At Rocky Butte summit, 6PM Free

July 20 Foodie Sewing New Birth

Hide & Seek Gallery has Carolyn Hazel with The Sewing Room. At 2638 N. Interstate Unit B Noon-3 Free

Jason Carey-Sheppard brings Leckermaul, paintings and installation. You can read an explanation on their website.

At at SE Cooper Contemprary 6901 SE 110th 1PM-5 Free

Portland's hip hop dancing community took a hit on lockdown. 206Zulu is back. Now Beaverton brings a battle set by The New Birth. 15th aniversary. It's 2x2 breakin' and 1x1 top to bottom wit' $1000 and $500 cash money for winner of each, respectively. Judges Heebz, Serg, and Tombo. DJ Edy Slick. Hosted by Wooty and Merkavili. At Encore 7700 SW Numbus Avenue Building 10, Beaverton Doors 3PM, prelim 4. $20

Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19 Designing Eyes Low Devine

We don't list most talks. PNCA-Willamette has them, webcasts them, and archives them. Reed has talks. Many galleries have talks each month by the artists.

Today, mid-day, Julia Dolan, curator from the Portland art muesum, discusses Designing Women, a collaboration between Melanie Flood and Matt Morris. Flood has been a local champion for artists with her small gallery that operated for several years.

At I Love You 2 - ILY2 925 NW Flanders 11:30AM-1 Free

Young artist Brianna Spencer has passed at a young age. Moon Eyes is a commerative show of works from her estate. At Stephanie Chefas gallery 134 SE Taylor, Ste 203. Map. 5PM-8 Free

PNCA Low-Residency MFA in Visual Studies opens their studios today. At PNCA | Willamette University 511 NW Broadway Map 5PM-8 Free

Shower of Divine Light is a show by Ali Godil, principal of Gül Gallery. They are a new studio space, an agency, and a gallery.

"Showcasing a collection of mystical paintings. Inspired by the descent of spiritual energy, the natural world and his South-Asian heritage, [represented in] free flowing abstract paintings."

DJ Anjali represents on the wheels of steel, including Qawwali.

At Gul in the Ford Building 2505 SE11th #118 6PM-9 Free

Thursday, July 18, 2024

July 18 Skate Fight Love Club

The Boedecker Foundation is project of the late Sandy Boedecker who founded the big shoe company's skate business. Skylab built a fantastic building for the foundation. It hosts youth arts programs. They have a professional recording studio built out by Chris Funk. He moved on to build a studio in Iceland. The main space is filled by a skate bowl. It is like the empty SoCal swimming pools occupied by the mid-1970s Zepher skate crew who brought surfing movement to skating. The space hosts occasional cultural events.

Tonight they show the film Fight Club. It is based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk. Palahniuk has lived in Oregon since college and is a champion of the working class. He documented his own shenanigans among the about early 1990s Portland Cacophony Society, in Fugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland, Oregon. He has been a prolific writer and he is a supporter of new fiction writers.

He had been camping, was assauted, returning to work at Freightliner, none of his coworkers asked about his injuries, he concluded they did not care, inspiring the book.

Fight Club tells the story of the narrator and Tyler Durden. Durden is the founder of the Fight Club and fights corporations on the side. The narrator has a corporate job protecting a major automaker from liability. The two characters are the same person, a projection of the narrator. It is visually rich, dark, and worth a watch. The rules of the Flight Club are a cultural meme many know and reuse.

The event is free, but the tickets are consumed. Get on Boedecker announcments for future events.

Fight Club at the Boedecker Foundation 2360 N.W. Quimby Map 6:30PM Free

Saturday, July 13, 2024

July 13 Slipstream Bass Ritual

Summer Ritual is a group show by Anna Gray + Ryan Wilson Paulsen, Nick Blosser, Iván Carmona, Marjorie Dial, Amjad Faur, Anna Fidler, Bean Finneran, Jacques Flechemueller, Ellen George, Victoria Haven, Elizabeth Knight, Justin L’Amie, James Lavadour, Nancy Lorenz, Brandt Maina, D.E. May, Kristen Miller, Wes Mills, Jeffry Mitchell, Jenene Nagy, Georgina Reskala, Franklin Russell, Tad Savinar, Storm Tharp, Nell Warren, Heather Watkins, Marie Watt, Adrian Ruth Williams, Yamamoto Masao, and Yuyang Zhang.

At PDX Contemporary Art 1825 NW Vaughn Map 3PM-5 Free RSVP by email to info at

Slipstream is work by Brittney Connelly. Carnatioin has a show up in Seattle at SOIL who will return the favor with a show here in the future. At in the Disjecta building 8371 N Interstate. 5PM-8 Free

Math Pearl Bass closes their show with a dance party.

At The Lumber Room 419 SW 9th, above Liz Leach Map  3-7 Free

Saturday, July 06, 2024

July 6 Northside Art Openings+

Well Well is doing their opening next Saturday on the 13th.

Charlie Salas-Humara opens new paintings. At Nationale 15 SE 22nd Map 3PM-5 Free

Finger Tight are sculptures by Haley Lauw, a new artist joining the gallery. At in the Disjecta building 8371 N Interstate. 5PM-8 Free

Oregon Contemporary continues the Oregon Biennial. They have performances and lectures around it on their website.

At Oregon Contemporary nee Disjecta, in the shadow of Paul Bunyan 8371 N. Interstate Map Noon-8 Free

Thursday, July 04, 2024

July 4 Independence Community

My observation from my work overseas is that when you have layers of colonizers, the earlier layer it assumes victimhood by the new layer, and discounts their own bad behavior. It is perpetuated by identity gridlock. So there is a lot of discussion of what independance was to who at various times. Happy personal independence day!

The Black Gallery closes Isaka Shamsud-Din - The Emancipation of Isaka Shamsud-Din: A Liberated Archives Exploration of Fine Art. He is a late career Portland artist who has lived Portland history; it is in many of his works. At The Black Gallery 916 NW Flanders 5PM-7 Free

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

July 3 Permanent Chaos Theory

First Thursday also includes the Saturday following in the afternoon. The Art Museum moves its First Thursday to Second Thursday this month.

Leach Gallery, ILY2, Adams & Ollman, After/Time, and Laura Vincent continue but may not be open after hours tonight.

Dana Lynn Louis brings Alchemy of Tears, installations and 2d works. Anne Siems brings paintings Inner Child. Paintings in the office are by Heather Lee Birdsong. At Laura Russo Lee Gallery 805 NW 21st 5PM-7 Early Close Free

Cammie Toloui brings The Lusty Lady. The photographer worked in her art student days at the Lusty Lady in San Francisco. There was one in Seattle, imaged by photographer and writer Erika Langley. The San Francisco location was the first to unionize, later it was bought by the employees, becoming a worker cooperative.

Kristina E. Knipe brings Talisman images models, landscapes, and situations arranged in still lifes with everything from flowers to refuse.

In the Nine Gallery, David Schell brings An Arrangement. Minimalist composition sof wax on wood panels.

At Blue Sky Gallery Map 122 NW 8th 5PM-9 Free

Mark Andres has landscape and interiors paintings. Late career artist Rita Robillard brings landscapes and still lifes. At Augen Gallery 716 NW Davis 5PM-7:45 Free

Blackfish guests their popular and long-running recent BFA and MFA art school grads show from as far away as WOU and SOU. At Blackfish Gallery 938 NW Everett Map 5PM-8 Free

Waterstone has Erika James - Something Permanent. At Waterstone Gallery 124 NW 9th 5PM-8 Free

Member coop Gellery 114 has Chaos Theory a member show. At Gallery 114 1100 NW Glisan 5PM-8 Early Closing Free