Saturday, July 13, 2024

July 13 Slipstream Bass Ritual

Summer Ritual is a group show by Anna Gray + Ryan Wilson Paulsen, Nick Blosser, Iván Carmona, Marjorie Dial, Amjad Faur, Anna Fidler, Bean Finneran, Jacques Flechemueller, Ellen George, Victoria Haven, Elizabeth Knight, Justin L’Amie, James Lavadour, Nancy Lorenz, Brandt Maina, D.E. May, Kristen Miller, Wes Mills, Jeffry Mitchell, Jenene Nagy, Georgina Reskala, Franklin Russell, Tad Savinar, Storm Tharp, Nell Warren, Heather Watkins, Marie Watt, Adrian Ruth Williams, Yamamoto Masao, and Yuyang Zhang.

At PDX Contemporary Art 1825 NW Vaughn Map 3PM-5 Free RSVP by email to info at

Slipstream is work by Brittney Connelly. Carnatioin has a show up in Seattle at SOIL who will return the favor with a show here in the future. At in the Disjecta building 8371 N Interstate. 5PM-8 Free

Math Pearl Bass closes their show with a dance party.

At The Lumber Room 419 SW 9th, above Liz Leach Map  3-7 Free