Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13 Tender Zymoglyphic

Sarah Gilbert and Pato Hebert open their show Tender in a joint presentation by the Cooley Gallery and Ditch Projects in Eugene/Springfield. Ditch opens their part in October. Gilbert is a noted printmaker and printer, cofounder of the IPRC. Opening at the Cooley Gallery. Gilbert participates in a discussion of the work Sunday. At Reed College Cooley Gallery 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd. 5PM Free

Portland's Zymoglyphic Museum brings a readout of their fourth residency, Muse IV. The artists in this group are Heléna Dupre Thompson, Lyndsay Hogland, Patty Burns, Zac Banik, Alice Langlois, and Sam David. Recommended. At 1122 Outside Gallery 7629 SE Harrison 6PM-9 Free