Friday, February 28, 2025

February 28 Paintings

Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue is a large group show. Artists are Katherine Bradford⁣, Gina Fischli⁣, Alfred Jensen⁣, Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt⁣, Ingrid Yi-Chen Lu⁣, Ian Miyamura⁣, Marlon Mullen⁣, Ralph Pugay⁣, and Bill Traylor.⁣

At Adams and Ollman Gallery, the second of four members of the New Art Dealers Alliance, 418 NW 8th 5PM-7 Free

Nate Ethington has abstract paintings Book of Matches and Kyle Lee has narrative figurative paintings New Moon.

At Stephanie Chefas gallery 134 SE Taylor, Ste 203. Map. 5PM-8 Free

Thursday, February 27, 2025

February 27 Pubic Nature

Public Nature is a performance series. Each event is a collaboration between a mover, a writer, and a sound artist, working together for the first time, one time. This one is Katherine Longstreth, mover; Carolyn Supinka, poet; and Stephanie Lavon Trotter, a singer and looping artist.

At Flock in the Marine Art Works Studios Building 5 2516 NW 29th Map Doors at 7PM Show 7:30 By donation cash, venmo, and paypal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

February 22 Summoning Seattle

If you are in Seattle, you can see the first work-in-progress showing of a butoh dance performance movie.

Butoh is an abstract modern dance form from Japan. There are many videos online, each different.

The Degenerate Art Ensemble, at its core, is a couple, a mover, and a composer, with collaborators. Degnerate Art, Entartete Kunst, was a derogative coined by Nazis. Modern and contemporary art continually pushes its boundaries, so in this case, it is a superlative.

Movie The Summoning is the story of the dynamic between wantering Miko and god Yatagarasu who conjure one another.

The Summoning at Japanese Cultural & Community Center 1414 S Weller St. Seattle 7PM Free

Sunday, February 16, 2025

February 16 Echoes

False Front is back in the flow. They are one of a small handful of notably-curated Portland home-based galleries.

Karl Burkheimer,, painter, sculptor, art professor, and architectural fabricator, brings Echoes of Futility.

At False Front Studio 4518 NE 32nd Map 2PM Free

Saturday, February 15, 2025

February 15 Things+

Dennis Foster brings flat abstracts Same Thing Twice.

Dennis Foster at at Nationale 15 SE 22nd Map Recommended 2PM-4 Free

For your plus.

"Like you, many folks across our state have questions about what's going on in the federal government, and how they can get involved.

During my time serving Oregon, I've held over 1100 open-to-all town halls.

I'm writing today to invite you to two more town halls I will be hosting on Saturday, February 15, in Columbia and Washington Counties.

Washington County Town Hall: February 15, 2025 @ 12:00 pm

Poynter Middle School 1535 NE Grant St. Hillsboro, OR

Columbia County Town Hall: February 15, 2025, at 3:30 PM

Scappoose Middle School 52265 Lower Columbia River Hwy (Hwy 30) Scappoose, OR

If you live in these counties and have questions, I encourage you to attend and make your voice heard.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday." Oregon Senator Ron Wyden

Friday, February 07, 2025

February 8 Microdose Pixel Company Somatics Too

"In a culture that often puts emphasis on getting all things bigger or in large amounts beholds a surprising truth that an emotion or physiological reaction can come from something so tiny."

That is the thesis of the annual nucleus Microdose show of miniature works of art. They are easy to move with!

The artists are Amy Earles, Andi Soto, Beachghost, Briana Hertzog, Cat Rabbit, Corinne Lent, Creature Creature, Cuddly Rigor Mortis, Ego, Eun-Ha Paek, Evah Fan, Felicia Chiao, Gentle Thrills, Hanna Jaeun, Helice Wen, Iryna Khymych , Itoyo, Jackie Brown, Jaime Soto, JP Neang, Juliet Schreckinger, Laura K Sayers, Lia Tin, Lizzy Gass, Marjolaine Roller, Matt Schu, Meadow & Fawn, Naoshi, Paper Puffin, Patrick Mathews, Perro y Arena, Po Yan Leung, Teagan White, Tintist, and Zach Meyer.

Microdose at Nucleus Portland 2916 NE Alberta 4PM-6 Free

Ním Daghlian and Grapefruits host a participatory experimental website jam.

"Tired of the algorithm? Sick of posts and posting? Want to own your own pixels? Wanna make a zine, but online? Make Websites! Radical Web Art Workshop is an all-levels crash course in making web-based creative projects. This is a beginner-friendly, FREE workshop on making independent websites as a creative medium. No coding experience required--as long as you have a laptop that can connect to wifi and are comfortable online, you will leave with your own cool website and the skills to keep building on it.
WHAT TO BRING: A laptop that can connect to wifi, some images/text/other content you want to use for your website, a willingness to try things and be silly online together!"

At Virtua_Gal at Lloyd Mall Suite B216. It is in the former Lady Foot Locker, second level, above Zumiez and Hot Topic. 1PM-4 Free RSVP by email or socials

Storm Tharp brings a new show of portraits, Company. At PDX Contemporary Art 1825 NW Vaughn Map 3PM-5 Free RSVP by email to info at

Ori Art Gallery is usually by appointment, but tonight they open Digital somatics: To Breathe as Stars Do by Hiba Ali

"Digital somatics connects the body to technology through immersion and practices of slowness in relation to our bodies and technology. How can we use technological mediums such as VR, AR, and immersive technologies to slow down time? Ali inquires, how can we use technology to heal and connect somatically to our bodies? As a world builder and digital storyteller, Ali uses the framework of digital somatics, a term they developed, where they use technology to connect back to our bodies and to call forth a more loving world. In their digital art practice, they use principles of game design with 3D animation, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) and immersive installations to create liminal spaces where they engage in world building, storytelling and digital somatics. Digital technology is often coupled with instant gratification and speed, this can create an environment of anxiety and overconsumption of our precious resources and digital somatics invites us to be guided by slowness and corporal sensation."

At, Ori Gallery, little with a big vision 4038 N Mississippi 6PM-8 Free

Elanor Randl and Jens Pettersen open Open Marriage. At I Love You 2 Too - ILY2 In the Lloyd Mall Suite G113, lower level far East down the hall by the abandoned Marshalls 3PM-6 Free

February 7 Eastside Art Openings

Info at and their socials which list many shows and their times.

Matt Schu brings his own art, Ruins, and curatates a show Houses, including Andrew James McKay,Betsy Walton, Josh Minnich, Kim Slate, Paper Puffin, Lia Tin, Mike Howat, Rachel Murray, Sam Kalda, and Sean Lewis.

Https:// at Nucleus House Gallery 1137 NE Alberta 5PM-7 Free

Thursday, February 06, 2025

February 7, 8, 14, 15 Light Art

The 10th Portland Winter Light Festival is upon us. It's family friendly. It is concentrated at Pioneer Square and the PGE World Trade Center downtown Westside, and in the Electric Blocks on the Eastside in the industrial district. It is also throughout the city and many light sculptures will be illuminated in the evening throughout the week.

Last year had stellar weather. This year the 7th & 8th evenings will be cold but unlikely to rain. The 14th and 15th, maybe not.

All the info is at Free!

February 7-9 Things'll Be Great When You're Downtown

Downtown. New York. 1970s-80s cusp. Not safe. A revolution in hip hop and art.

Downtown '81 is a casualy scripted movie and downtown scenescape with Basquiat playing himself.

The movie ran out of money for completion. In 1999 it was revived, the sound dubbed, and the result is what we have.

At PSU 5th Avenue Cinema 510 SW HallFriday & Saturday 6PM, 8:30, Sunday 3 Free PSU, $6 other students, $7 everyone else

February 6 Westside Art Openings+

First Thursday also includes the Saturday following in the afternoon.

ILY2, Adams & Ollman, Stelo, Laura Vincent Design, and The Black Gallery continue. Stelo does have community art making this evening.

For your +1 Hollywood Theater is showing Kelly Reichart's Old Joy. It is a Northwest film made in 2006, her 3rd film, amd first major film. The story was written by Jon Raymond, and there is a book collaboration with Justine Kurland. The two protagonists are traveling to a remote hot spring on a journey of purification. The original soundtrack was by Yo La Tengo, and the occasion of this film experience is the release of the soundtrack on vinyl by Mississippi Records. Old Joy at Hollywood Theater 4122 NE Sandy 7:30PM $12

For your +2 you can experience Flamenco music with guitarist Brenna McDonald and guitarist/vocalist Yeshe Wingerd. A project of Espacio Flamenco, it repeats on first Thursdays. At Bar Botellón 606 NE Davis 7PM-9 Free

+3 The Portland Art Museum, through a private grant, is open free first Thursdays. They are free the whole day 10AM-8PM.

+4 The Schnitzer Collection is open First Thursday and other limited hours. They have long running theme shows and occasional events. At the Schnitzer Family Collection 3033 NW Yeon 3PM-8 Free

Derek Franklin brings paintings Between the Time of the Dog and the Wolf, entre chien et loup. There is a longer explanation on the gallery website. Also on is a group show Everyday Alchemy by Hunter Braithwaite, Bonnie Bronson, Ann Hamilton, Malia Jensen, Isaac Layman, Don Nice, Jess Perlitz, Robert Rauschenberg, Mark R. Smith, and Donald Sultan

At Elizabeth Leach Gallery 417 NW 9th Map 5:30PM-7:30 Free

The Russo Lee Gallery is reopening after a fire in the restaurant next door. Fay Jones has Stills, implied narrative instants, Roll Hardy has landscapes, and Rene Rickabaugh has paintings. At Laura Russo Lee Gallery 805 NW 21st 5PM-7 Early Close Free

Portland Arts Collective has moved. In their new spot, they have installation Rain by Dave Meeker. It is part of the Portland Winter Lights Festival, and on their schedule the next two weekends.

At the Portland Arts Collective 122 NW Couch 6PM-9 Free

American photographer Colton Rothwell brings Pearl Road. Hyun-taek Cho has Vacant Room, camera obscura projections into vacant homes slated for urban renewal in his home town in Korea.

In the Nine Gallery, Jess Perlitz has Shell of Body, sculptural shapes.

At Blue Sky Gallery Map 122 NW 8th 5PM-8 Early Close Free

Roots & Recipes: A black Food Experience should bring good vibes and smells.

At W+K 224 NW 13th Map 5PM-8 Free

Fans Only shows it residents along with guests from the PSU art world, alumni, students, and teachers. It's an artist residency in an office building with First Thursday readouts. At Fans Only 1010 SW 11th 5PM-7 Free

Phil Bard has American Desert, monochrome landscape photographs in the 19th Century Western tradition. The Opening reception is Saturday, 1:30. At Augen Gallery 716 NW Davis 5PM-7:45 Free

PNCA has open studios and a myriad of shows. It is easier for you to just go than to list them all. At PNCA | Willamette University 511 NW Broadway Map 5PM-8 Free

Berlin artist Marcus Sendlinger brings paintings and drawings Power Plants. There is an elequent description on the gallery socials. At After | Time Collective Gallery 730 SW 10th (enter on 9th) 6PM-9 Free

Wave Contemoporary brings returns their Orbit series of short movies. Tonight they are by Diana Marcela Cuartas, Jamie Isenstein, Radu Jude, and Tyler Stoll. At Chess Club Art 435 NW 6th 6PM-9 $5 suggested donation

Aurora is a Blackfish member group show. It includes a light art piece which is part of the Portland Winter Art Festival this weekend and next evening hours. Laura Swingen has paintings Composing Myself. Longtime Portland artist Michael Knutson has a retrospective, Recollections.

All at Blackfish Gallery 938 NW Everett Map 5PM-8 Early Close Free

There is a gallery Winter group show at Froelick Gallery 714 NW Davis early close 5PM-8 Free

Waterstone guests North Pole Studio artists Adam Richards, Adolph Bastendorff, Davis Wolford, Deanna Wiessenhaus, Doug Wing, James Enos, Nathan Ueno, and Tyla Parsons. They are disabled artists. After Project Grow was destroyed then digested by its parent nonprofit, it proceeded for a while. Between 2016 and 2020 federal policy reversed and directed those projects to be strictly job training. After about 2020, the policy allowed more creative projects. See it while you can.

At Waterstone Gallery 124 NW 9th 5PM-8 Free

Sunday, February 02, 2025

February 2 Twenty-Four Seasons

I first saw Qiu Zhijie's Copy Orchard Pavilion Preface 1000 Times 邱志杰 书写兰亭序一千遍 at the Inside/Out show organized by the Asia Society. It is exhibited as a multtych, each successive piece a stopping point. The final piece is entirely black, with parts of strokes on white at the edge. The carbon particles in the ink glint, so there is a faint record of the last strokes, black on black. Two were made. It is a work and a performance. In China, copying classics was a big part of the curriculum. I have an interest in classical Chinese philosophy and poetry, and the 1000 Times work combines those with my interest in contemporary art.

Some of Zhijie's work is inspired by calligraphy. He has worked on that theme for over 30 years. He has other themes. He continues to work safely in Beijing, while Ai Wei Wei does not.

Zhijie founded the first AI art school in China and is a pioneer in the interdisciplinary work between art and technology, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence.

JSMA has a show of two bodies of Zhijie's work, including photos in which the artist made characters with a light pen in a long exposure.

This afternoon, Chinese art scholars Jane DeBevoise, Johnson Chang, Nancy Lin, and Mia Yinxing Liu, join the artist in person, in a discussion moderated by Anne Rose Kitagawa in little Eugene. It will likely be produced out in a public video on the JSMA YouTube.

In this video, he relates he would not be a good artist without teaching and with out being a good artist he would not be a good father.

Join the artist, the panel, and the work in show Twenty-Four Seasons: Critical Temporality and Qiu Zhijie’s Light Writing & At the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, University of Oregon, 1430 Johnson Lane, Eugene. 2PM Free

Saturday, February 01, 2025

February 1 Northside Art Openings+

For your +1. We enjoy music, but we rarely list it here. Others are better sources. That being said, we are attracted to a concert of Portland Jazz Legends here tonight. It is in honor of vocalist Shirley Nanette. The black church is a never-ending font of talent and joy in music. Portland's Cotton Club,_Oregon) was another in its time. Many now-elder Portland jazz musicians jammed there at middle school age. It fell to urban renewal if you know what I'm saying.

Shirley Nanette gifted Portland many gospel jazz Christmas concerts. I remember one with a duet between Nanette and her teen daughter in call and response. You could see the mutual admiration and rivalry. You could also see the question if the daughter would proceed into the maw of the star-making machinery behind the popular song that claimed Whitney Houston who started in gospel. I don't know the rest of the story.

Nanette will be accompanied by Ron Steen, Vince Frates, and Phil Baker, with guests Ural Thomas , Norman Sylvester, Brad Bleidt, Steve Christopherson, and Mel Brown, in a show of jazz, soul, blues, R&B, and funk.

PDX Legends, a Tribute to Shirley Nanette, at Alberta Abbey 126 NE Alberta Doors 7PM, show 8 PM $ 20 or $45 with a creole dinner and reserved seating

Of related interest, the Albina Music Trust is a label and an archive. They have a thing today too. Pointing forward in your calendar, they drop Our Soul Assembly at Bodecker on the 22nd. Lou Rawls said it, thankfully we have the Trust.

For your +2. A Secret Room Press is a Risograph studio with zines, art shows and movies. They are open rarely. Violet Reed brings Flower Tower, risograph prints, miniature models, and toys illustrating her dream worlds.

Flower Tower at A Secret Room Press 3225 SE Division 6PM-8 Free

Man on the Land is a show by Tyler Stoll. It "reimagines iconic land artist Robert Smithson’s Mirror Displacements, swapping the mirrors with homemade cardboard cutouts of John Travolta as Danny Zuko from the 1978 musical film Grease." Personally I'm not a fan of pop culture sampling. For one it is easy, for two it has a narrow swath of viewers who might ne interested. Up to you though. At Well Well Projects in the Disjecta building 8371 N. Interstate Map  5PM-8 Free

Michael Espinoza has curated a group show Brief Encounters: Queer Instant Photography. There is a curator statement on the gallery website. Artists are Ryan Rudewicz, Wayne Bund, Ian Lewandowski, Soft Butch, Catalina Bulgach, Nate Francis, Tom Kay, Jamieson Edson, Chris Moody, José Tinoco, Shadows Gather, Kareem Michael Worrell, C Meier, Christian Rogers, Michael Espinoza, Jackson Fader, Stuart Sandford, and Carlos Enfedaque.

At in the Disjecta building 8371 N Interstate. Noon - 5 or 8 Free

Outer Voice hosts Open Hours. "Share your video, audio, or performance work under 5 minutes. WIP, excerpts, old work, new work, anything! This is not a critique, it’s a less formal showcase of time-based works (dance, performance-art, video, audio, music, reading aloud) by us and our community, plus time to hang out with fellow artists."

At Outer Voice in the Disjecta building 8371 N Interstate Map . 5PM-8 Free

Oregon Contemporary continues. That includes installation Sea of Vapors by Emily Counts, Maia Chao and Fred Schmidt-Arenales with Waste Scenes, and museum-quality loans of paintings by Manoucher Yektai and Josef Albers.

At Oregon Contemporary nee Disjecta, in the shadow of Paul Bunyan 8371 N. Interstate Map Noon-8 Free