Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 17 Artsparking Radio

Radio, once thought dieing dead, is experiencing a revival. Radio has been with us since Marconi. The first commercial broadcasts on AM included "the nation's stations" broadcasting on clear channels at an awesome +87 dBm. That power could illuminate light bulbs within a mile of the transmitter! Radio has added fancy frequency modulation and even digital modulation (the horror!). Meanwhile in the UK in the 1960's, enterprising DJ's started pirate stations broadcasting from islands and sea platforms in international waters. The trend continued with sea-based and land broadcasters taking advantage of cheap RF technology and cassette tapes as a program source - pirates once outnumbered licensed radio stations in '80's and early '90's UK! It's gotten so bad that there have been more than one generation of Portland pirates and agencies do it for style.

Internet radio, despite rapacious per song charges, makes it easy. The FCC even licenses low band edustations, an example is KZME hinged off Gresham's Metro East Community Media and transmitting from high Brightwood. They are the featured arts presenter for tonight's Art Spark from 6:00-6:15.

Art Spark is a monthly arts meetup for free over drinks for conversation and networking. Did I say free? OK. www.portlandartspark.com at Radio Room 1101 NE Alberta 5PM-7 Free