Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 31 Halloweenie

If you believe actually voting is important for democracy, you can have a great time encouraging people to vote as part of Trick or Vote. It started here and is happening here and in over fifty cities. For information or to sign up go to Portland meetups at 2:30PM and 4:30PM, celebration after, starting at 7PM Free!

Halloween is not my holiday. I hate clothes and especially costume shopping, don't dig scary stuff, don't eat candy. But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to enjoy Fin de Cinema's Hausu. The film will be accompanied by a live soundtrack by Soft Metals, Reporter and Jewels of the Nile with a dance party by Linger & Quiet and Maxx Bass. At Holocene 1001 SE Morrison $5

October 29 Art Auction Preview and Dance Off

Disjecta hosts their annual fundraising auction of art. There are even some artists in it that have been in the Whitney. There is a big list on the Disjecta website. The auction is November 13, but the show previews tonight. At Disjecta 8371 N Interstate 8PM-10 Free

The Hippoh Project hosts a battle tonight - Hippoh Jam VI. It's 1on1 all styles and 2on2 breakin'. What to expect? This was some of IV plus add some costumes. At Hippoh Project Dance Studio,, 1306 NW Hoyt St. B-1. Doors 6PM, Battles 7. $6 or $5 with costume

October 28 Art and Democracy

Art on Alberta continues, though I don't believe the street is closed until maybe sometime next year, when they figure out how to pay for it.

Israel Lund from PNCA takes the garage with Trubl(e), while the hay bales will be activated by a mysterious force. The alley could be muddy and will be dark. Appendix will be resting and recharging for a bit, maybe some special shows, but not regular for a few months. At Appendix Project Space. On the alley between 26th and 27th, South of Alberta. Map 6-10ish Free

Tim Mahan has pulled together Big Field at Little Field, surveying the ten installations by more than that number of artists in the space history. Little Field closes with this show, they have been rad. Little Field, you did well. At the last Little Field Gallery, on the alley between 28th and 29th North of Alberta. Map 6-9ish Free

Together has Sing Me To Sleep by Seth Neefus, mellow Fall vibe; and Plant House, embroideries by Misty Marie. There's music in back, early by Old Friend and Pioneer. At Together Gallery 2916 NE Alberta, Ste A Map

Broom and Dustpan is a faux music and writing art project in which the artist created 100 dream bands, 100 each A&B side music and asked 100 artist friends to make cover artwork for them; then hung them on the wall. In association with Disjecta. At False Front Studio 4518 NE 32nd Map 6-10 Free

This pairs well with the periodic Vinyl Killers show, #8, at Goodfoot opening tonight. It's an international show originated by Portlander Klutch in 2003. 12 inch vinyl disks are used as the canvas. And the work is very reasonably priced! This is the last Vinyl Killers show, how historic. At the Goodfoot 2845 SE Stark Map 5PM-11 Free

We like democracy that works. So does Harvard-Stanford professor Lawrence Lessig. Lessig has been a leading thinker on digital rights, like copyright, open source and many other philisophical, legal and social issues connected to the Internets, that system of tubes. He founded Creative Commons. He turns his analysis and network on our democracy, campaign spending and corruption. That's his project Fix Congress First. He speaks earlier at the First Unitarian Church and at 8, informally at the West Cafe 1201 SW Jefferson.

Monday, October 25, 2010

October 27 Some Things Out of Town

Jimmy Carter is our oldest living president. He was president from 1976 to 1980. One of his projects is the Carter Center. The Carter Center works to improve civil society, health and human rights around the world. Some of my projects have crossed paths with outstanding Carter Center projects and staff. He's written a new book, based on some of his long lost diaries, which he discussed recently on the Daily Show with a sense of humor. He visits Seattle today to sign those books. At Costco in Issaquah, noon and at the UW bookstore 7PM

Ravi Shankar is one of our oldest living classical Indian musicians at 90. At age 36, he was one of the first Indian musicians to tour and perform internationally. He is a founding force in what is today world music in its live and remix incarnations. He was to perform tonight on sitar in San Francisco with is daughter Anoushka Shankar on sitar; Tanmoy Bose and Ravichandra Kulur, each on tabla. However the concert has been postponed for health reasons. We wish the best.

October 25 Cuba Science-Art

Cuba is a relic. The personality of its 1959 Marxist revolution and the electoral block of Florida expatriots have kept things frozen since, despite the fall of the Berlin Wall and reconfiguration of Russian influence, worldwide. But the situation hasn't stopped art, in Cuba, or by Cubans, wherever. That Miami is an art center is a factor too. Tonight Julia Portela Director of the Department of Theoretical Studies of Art at the University of the Arts, Havana, provides a view of Cuban arts. Her past talks in Portland have been in Spanish and translated. At Disjecta 8371 N Interstate 6PM Free

Natalie Jeremijenko is a scientist, engineer, artist. She has been in the Whitney, 1997 and 2006, and taught in technical and art departments at Royal College of the Arts, Yale, NYU, UCSD, and been artist in residence at PARC. She has a large body of work using ambient technology as an indicator of social, political and environmental challenges. Talk in the Shattuck Hall Annex out front, 1914 SW Park Avenue, at the corner of SW Broadway and Hall on the PSU campus. 7:30PM Free

Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 24 Research Stock

The Research Club hosts another of its signature pot luck brunches under talk and networking. It's at False Front Gallery with talks by artists and cultural researchers. Part of the afternoon are talks by Vanessa Calvert, whose show is in the space; Gabe Flores and Gary Wiseman who opened Place Gallery in a Portland shopping mall; Sean Ongley from Interarts; and Rozell Medina, Co-Founder of the Public Social University, a social practice art project. Most of the time is given over to conversation with your fellow creative attendees. Bring food or juice, coffee provided. A project of At False Front Studio 4518 NE 32nd Map noon-3 Free

Portland Stock is a nanogranting project. Awards are running around $5-600. This puts them at less than government efforts such as RAAC at about $1-2K and Kickstarter in the low thousands. Kickstarter is based on large online social networks. Stock is based on about 100 interested, in person, peer artists and friends. Reservations for this simple $10 meal are required. BYOB. The proceeds of those $10's pooled are awarded to one of the usually about half dozen proposals in a two stage voting process.

RSVP by email, portlandstock at gmail dot com, the meal reservations, limited by logistics, fill quickly. Details: At PNCA 12 NW Johnson 6PM-8 $10 cash only

Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22 Ashen Glow at Fourteen30

Fourteen30 Contemporary opens Ashen Glow, landscape photography by Devon Oder. Oder was the gallery's first show, at that time, a recent MFA from Art Center Pasadena. Her first show included landscapes, with the image manipulated in process. This show is more straight ahead. There are two themes: cyanotypes, a very early blue monochrome printing process, with limited tonal range and resolution. Historically, cyanotypes were used for shadowgraphs, direct imaging of objects on the print emulsion and well into the 20th century for architectural blueprints. Oder's prints are kin to shadowgrams, but a little more enigmatic. The other theme are black and white landcapes. They are not golden hour style, but have more a feel of noon sun exposure. Many are images of the complex tangle of opportunistic plant growth, taking over the frame. Nonetheless, they capture the mystery of even everyday wild places. At Fourteen30 Gallery 1430 SE 3rd Opening 6PM-9

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 22 Bike Tour of African American Public Arts

The Dill Pickle Club, admixers of history, social change and art present a tour of murals - Walls of Pride: African American Public Art - by bike. The 10 mile easy ride visits art by Charlotte Lewis, Adriene Cruz, Isaka Shamsud-Din, Lewis Harris and Charles Tatum. Isaka Shamsud-Din and Adriene Cruz speak personally at the sites of their work. Bike participants meet at 9:30AM for a light breakfast at Mallory Avenue Community Enrichment, 126 NE Alberta. The tour starts at 10. They make a lunch stop at the excellent Ethiopian Eritrean E’Njoni Café. The tour repeats November 12 by bus. All details at the $10 bike trip

Monday, October 18, 2010

October 19 A Curiosity Club

We noted earlier the arrival of NYC-Portland Core 77 shop Hand Eye Supply. They have an aperiodic in-person discussion series, Curiosity Club. Tonight they host Blake Van Roekel, glass and food artist. She did some early development work at the Portland Chinese Garden. Moving on, she is food and catering artist in residence at Milepost5, and for the Heidi McBride Gallery. Her talk tonight at Hand Eye is on the aesthetics of food. At Hand Eye Supply 23 NW 4th 5:30PM Free

October 18 Environmental Law In India and Sustainable Development in Abu Dhabi (?)

America's legal system is one of its greatest virtues and one of its greatest curses. Generally it works, and generally it reflects our values. But the greatest and most important dynamics are the growth and change in China and India, with more than 35% of the world's population. America's environmental consciousness had roots in the philosophy of longtime native peoples and the Transcendental religious movement in the mid-19th Century, reflected in Thoreau's Walden. The rapid change period that birthed today's approach was a result of America's economic growth and prosperity in the 1950's and 1960's. Writer Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, warning of the dangers of chemicals and attracting the attention of then president Kennedy. First lady, Lady Bird Johnson in the mid-1960's campaigned against litter and for native plantings on the developing national highway system memed as "Keep America Beautiful". The most epic breakthrough was the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act n 1970, signed by president Richard Nixon.

India and China are approaching a time when a growing middle class, an overwhelming majority, will press for a better environmental quality of life, at the expense of narrow business optimization.

Indian attorney-litigator M.C. Mehta provides a perspective on environmental case law in South Asia. Mr. Mehta is known for his successful campaign to reduce air pollution near the Taj Mahal, acidic pollution that was literally dissolving the building marble. He has worked elsewhere in the region framing legislation and seeding an awareness of the law as a tool for a return to a healthy environment.

Mehta speaks tonight at the Lewis and Clark Law School. The event is organized by the The Indus Entrepreneurs It's at Lewis and Clark College Law School. Parking there is strictly regulated: you can get a pass the the L&C Law School front desk or pay for parking that the main school lots. %:30PM registration, 6 talk, 7 reception.

Abu Dhabi is a small oil-rich city on the boot toe of the Arabian peninsula in the United Arab Emirates. Interestingly, it faces Iran across the narrow Strait of Hormuz. Portland architectural firm Sera and Portland engineering firm Interface Engineering have a project to build a sustainable university town from scratch a little inland there. It will be roughly equivalent to Corvallis in size, and the university is focused desert ecology, agriculture and Bedouin culture. Paul Pawlowski and Omid Nabipoor speak about the project tonight. Their target is net-zero, a city that produces all the energy it needs, in this case despite being sited in a massively energy exporting country. Of course photovoltaics, bicycles and water conservation are a part of the plan. Just like Portland! I find it interesting that the UAE has a system, "Pearls" similar to the LEED ratings. It is part of the Bright Lights series sponsored by the local architecture magazine Portland Spaces and the City Club, a thoughtful public interest group. At Jimmy Mak's, 221 NW 10th. Doors 5:30PM, discussion 6. Free

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 17-28 Real Estate Meets Real Art and Design

We have always viewed favorably artists benefiting in promoting real estate. Portland examples include Ziba promoting art with condos and developers in Toronto purchasing art, several million dollars in total, and including it in the condo sale, one piece from an artist displaced from the neighborhood per condo. It's no secret in Portland that several developers have been exemplary arts supporters and collectors.

This is a new effort for Portland in a detached private home for sale. This mid-century modern is in a quiet and surprisingly moderately priced neighborhood close to town with great schools. The project is an art slant on "staging", furnishing a home for sale in a way that might appeal to the (new) buyer, rather than the (current) resident.

Artists' work include Angela Baker, Caryn Baumgartner, David Boekelheide, Ryan Bubnis, Kevork Cholakian, Meredith Dittmar, Carlos DonJuan, Katherine Dube, Colleen Flaherty, Karen Florek, Lisa Gronseth, Renee Hartig, Junko Iijima, Timothy Karpinski, Marko de Kok, Lisa Kowalski, Jennifer Lee, Christine Nguyen, Saule Piktys, Heidi Schwegler, Micki Skudlarsky, Curtis Speer, David Stein, Kevin Taylor, Lien Troung, Samantha Wall, Bryan Wolf and Wes Younie. The art was curated by Alicia Johnson at the virtual Alicia Blue Gallery.

Designers include Altura Furniture, Amanda Wall-Graf, Bright Design Lab, Callum Clark, Crafted Systems, Esque Studios, Grain, Hammer & Hand, Jason Andrew Designs, Jeffmade, Jeremy Alden, The Joinery, Jonathan Langston, Land • Line Design, Leah Nobilette, Lori Mason, Made, Magmax Design, Mark Diamond, Merkled Studio, Molly Purnell, Moufelt, Namuh, Nicholas Micheels, Pablo Pardo, Scott Schroeder, Space Design, Terry Bostwick, Tlagg, Tufenkian Artisan Rugs and Will Ullman. Design was curated by Trish Guido of Relish Design.

We wish the artists the best in benefiting from this experiment, and that success to be replicated in future home staging projects. At 4449 SW Twombly, Portland. Tuesday - Sunday 4PM-8 Free

October 16 RocksBox Rocks It

Patrick Rock's gallery, RocksBox is back for the new season with artist in Reuben Lorch-Miller's In Cryptic Rays. Lorch-Miller shares a SF background with Rock, and vibes on the same challenging work. Rock events are always lively and great for thoughtful art conversation. At Rocksbox Fine Art 6540 N Interstate 8-11 Free

October 15 Night at the Museum

This is a PSU Social Practice overlay on the Portland Art Museum. It was great fun last year, expect a repeat. Artists are very creative and this is their plan for a night. They have side shows, like Greco Roman wrestling, which is an Olympic style inspired by relief sculptures and illustrations on vases from the peak of those civilizations. Galleries will host bboy-bgirl moves and music. There are also beers brewed especially for the event. The full rundown is here. It's fun and social, an excuse too to wander the labyrinthine galleries. The event, dubbed Shine a Light, takes place at the Portland Art Museum 1219 SW Park 6PM-midnight $12, $9 students, free members

October 14-17 The Culture Machine

Tahni Holt is a Portland dance-mover-choreographer Her work has always been idea driven, with a visual art flavored production design. She has been developing The Culture Machine, sampling her own and the performers ideas and remixing them. With this piece she has scaled up to five characters, each with strong individual parts. I saw an earlier version and it was engaging, maybe even a little surreal. At Disjecta 8371 N Interstate 8PM all ages $15, $10 artists, students, seniors

October 14 Ethan Rose and Pecha Kucha

Ethan Rose speaks at the Art Museum. It's part of the informal Artist Talk series in which an artist picks a favorite work, which a small audience of about 50 gather for the artist's discussion of their response to he work. It's a good way to get an insight into the processes of local artists. Rose has picked an Irwin sculpture, perhaps this is the gateway for a discussion of the Museum collecting sound work. At the Portland Art Museum 1219 SW Park 6PM-8 $5 members, otherwise regular admission $12 so tour the Museum before

Pecha Kucha is back at The Plant. We've written about Pecha Kucha before, the international seres of open source short visual talks on design. Speakers tonight are Pippa Arend ( Charles Gullung (, Brian Jones (, Genevieve Dellinger (the, Edgar Papazian (, Mike Merrill ( &, Severin Villiger, Meghan Sinnott & Lillian Karabaic ( and Wayne Bund ( The early Portland Pecha Kucha's were exciting, but the last, at bside6 did not wow. Hope they have gotten their groove back for this instance. The audience is always a creative mix, so recommended on that basis alone. Presented in cooperation with the Portland AIA Architecture and Design Festival. At the salad warehouse 939 SE Alder Doors 7:30PM, talks 8:20 (20:20) Free (donations encouraged)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13 Berlin Japan

Photographer Gerry Badger, with a show of photographs made in Berlin showing at Blue Sky, is interviewed this evening by Tim DuRoche. Badger is an architect and writer, it should be interesting. In the Miller Room of the Portland Art Museum 1219 SW Park. 6PM Not sure on the admission

The Portland Japanese Garden was started in 1963 with the designs of Professor Takuma Tono. It's evolved to now by the guiding hands of eight subsequent garden curators. The current curator, Sadafumi Uchiama, has organized a conference of those garden curators to record their thoughts and philosophies. This will allow future curators an informed touch in the garden's evolution. Tonight the curators speak. At the Portland Art Museum 1219 SW Park. 7PM Reservations (503)542-0287 Free

Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 11 Mel Chin at PSU

Sculptor interventionist Mel Chin speaks tonight at the Monday night lecture series. He started with earthworks, made sculptures, and now works on the margins of politics and the environment. That makes his work of interest to Portland's artist social practitioners. Talk in the Shattuck Hall Annex out front, 1914 SW Park Avenue, at the corner of SW Broadway and Hall on the PSU campus. 7:30PM Free

October 9, 10, 16, 17 Portland Open Studios

This is a great opportunity to see a lot of art, perhaps buy some directly and see what life is like in artist studios. For more information see

Thursday, October 07, 2010

October 9 Conkle at Worksound and Grand Detour Summer Squash

Bruce Conkle has been making wry observations of our woolly Northwest for some time. That's good, we can sometimes take our small slice of the planet too seriously. For this show, he occupies all Worksound, so a collection of work over time. At Worksound 820 SE Alder Map 6PM-10

Summer Squash - yum! Light, tasty and good for you, what's to argue? This delectable squash includes performance, installation and video. Laura Hughes, Hannah Piper Burns, Alison Tarry and Tori Abernathy on installation. Julie Perini, Jonathan Marrs, Ben Popp and Christine Taylor on video. Performance by Weird Fiction and Superduck Projectid. It's a monthlong project opening tonight. It inhabits the interstitials of Hollywood Vintage. Presented by Grand Detour 2757 NE Pacific at Sandy and 28th. 6PM, performances 8. Opening $5 all ages; Free the rest of the month.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

October 8 Second First Friday

Nationale opens a sculpture show with Genevieve Dellinger, Melissa Gorman, Midori Hirose, and Elizabeth Jaeger. All work in cloth. It's the perfect Fall warm soft show. At Nationale 811 E Burnside Map

Meanwhile over at Bamboo Grove is Fusion curated by Sanna-Lisa Gesang-Gottowt. Artists are Rochelle Kulei, Michael Chambers, Claire Strickland and William Rihel. At Bamboo Grove 134 SE 2nd 6PM-10

Sunday, October 03, 2010

October 7 Westside Art Openings

Mmm Halloween. Valentines has a Halloween show with Cody Brant, Liz Harris, Jo Jackson, Josh Kermiet, Jeff Kriksciun, Pete LaVigne-Chalek, Corey Lunn, Linda McAllister, Adam Sorensen, Brighid Thomas, and Jay Winebrenner. Should be interesting. E*Rock plays later. Valentines 232 SW Ankeny

Compound has Illustrious with Jade Klara Marting Hsu. At Compound Gallery 107 NW 5th

Compound curator Matt Wagner has his own new space Hellion Gallery. Stop by to see if it's open. 323 NW 6th

Grass Hut has Brent Wick and Lori D. Grass Hut is in Floating World. 20 NW 5th

Unnatural History is a sort of imaginary museum of natural history as interpreted by artists Aaron Trotter, Jenny Fillius, Patrick Smith, Alison Foshee, Ryan Jennings, Nicole Linde and Brin Levinson. At Cravedog Music Loft Gallery 412 NW Couch St. #203 6PM-9

Grassy Knoll has Geosketching patterns. They are the maps made as we travel by the GPS units in our phones. Usually they are conveniently residing on a cloud server, here they are printed. At Grassy Knoll Gallery 123 NW 2nd

Fantasy Basketball by Anna Fidler a continuation of her Disjecta work. No surprise the copywriting award of the month:

"Energy has been the overarching theme in Anna Fidler work for the past ten years referencing topics such as photosynthesis, electricity, binaural rhythm patterns and their relationship to lucid dreams.

Her body of work Fantasy Basketball depicts vibrant basketball scenes inspired by the Portland Trail Blazers. She makes large-scale, labor-intensive works rendered in glittery micaenriched acrylic washes and pastels, colored pencils and airbrush. She captures the raw and uninhibited spirit of the game and portray the physical energy through pulsating color, unconventional shapes and the combination of paint and pencil.

While these monumental pieces emphasize the energy of the game, they also explore the hero status and god-like worship bestowed upon these athletes turning a critical eye toward such unabashed fanaticism. This adroit social commentary is inspired by historical painters like Jacques-Louis David and takes formal cues from Impressionists such as Monet".

At W+K 224 NW 13th Map 6PM-8

Reading Frenzy presents Forget Me Not, work by gallery artists relating to memories of the dearly departed. Quite a list of artists - see their website. At Reading Frenzy 921 SW Oak

Hungry Eyeball is a Portland resource for lovers of outsider art. They also operate an online gallery for some artists. They have picked a few favorites for this show, Buzz: Wesley Younie, Amy Ruppel, Kinoko, Chelsea Fletcher and Rebecca Artemesia. At Tender Loving Empire 412 SW 10th

Jerry Badger has photos of urban Berlin made in 2007-2008, which is some time ago in Berlin time. Also Stella Johnson with photos of countryside life in Mexico, Cameroon, and Nicaragua. Blue Sky is 35 this year and has a whole series of events Friday and Saturday. Check their website. At Blue Sky Gallery map 122 NW 8th

The Everett Lofts, NW Broadway and Everett are recommended, as always for your viewing pleasure.

October 6-30 ShowPDX Furniture Designs

We have a strong Portland object design community. ShowPDX is a show of their furniture at points along the industrial design-craft continuum. ShowPDX has been used in the past by Design Within Reach to scout designs. Interested to see examples of green, new materials and new fabrication techniques such as laster, water jet and computerized routers. At 2030 N Williams.

Continues Monday, Wednesday, Friday Noon-2, 4PM-6 and Saturdays noon-2 Free. Opening reception October 6, 6PM $10.

October 4 PSU Monday Night Talks Resume

The always engaging Monday art lectures at Portland State University resume. There have been many stellar talks by noted artists. The focus has been contemporary, idea-driven artists with a substantial helping of social practice or open source participation. Tonight Christina Olsen speaks. She is director of education and public programs at the Portland Art Museum, where PSU social practice artists crack open the Museum in the second Shine a Light Program October 16. Many people would love to visit the Museum, but never get around to it. That event reaches them. It's a sparkley night event with DJ's, drinks, socializing and exhibitional Greco-Roman wrestling. You can hear Olsen's plans for connecting museum to community in Portland tonight. Talk in the Shattuck Hall Annex out front, 1914 SW Park Avenue, at the corner of SW Broadway and Hall on the PSU campus. 7:30PM Free

Saturday, October 02, 2010

October 2 Undead Art Center and Spooky Violin

Last evening there seemed a sudden dramatic shift to black clothing, Halloween arrives early. So in that vein...

There has been a longtime alliance between real estate developers and Portland visual arts. Developers provide inexpensive temporary exhibition space to market the space long term to the networks of exhibition attendees, and get low cost publicity. Such was the case for the Portland Art Center which occupied a building in Old Town, now coincidentally home to the too undead 24 Hour Church of Elvis. So in the old Portland Art Center space rises the Share show, curated by Chris Haberman. It's visual artists, writers and performers. Details at NW 5th and Couch 6PM-10 Free

Meanwhile there will be a concert of carnatic violin by father and son Dr. L. Subramaniam and Ambi Subramaniam (Turn off sound, highly annoying sound logo). Accompanied by K. Sekar on thavil, Tripunithoora N. Radhakrishnan on ghatam and Satya Sai Ghantasala on moorsing. Spooky because Indian music scales are different, and can sound that way. At the PCPA Winningstad Theater 1111 SW Broadway 7PM $25-45

Friday, October 01, 2010

October 1-3 The H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival

We have written on this before. Suffice it to say, it's an opportunity to visit the dark and spooky side. Consult their website and schedule for the details on feature and short films, talks and even a dance party. Events centered around the Hollywood Theater on NE Sandy