Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 20 Plink Place

Plink Flojd is an international collaboration of artists making CG work and setting it to music. It is often based on visual or musical sampling. In a few years we may look upon the Plink Flojd work as we view 8bit music or games today. It was started by David Quiles Guillo, Yoshi Sodeoka and Eric Mast. Tonight they present some of their work on the big screen with a big sound system, and even with live music from Nice Nice and Regular Music. Cartune Xprez also shows work.

Just as the founders are distributed between Sao Palo, New York and Portland, the participating artists are everywhere on the Internet. Collaborating artists include Akin, Andrew Benson, Peter Burr, Cristopher Cichocki, Droid-ON, Manuel Fernández, Gusti Fink, Jason Forrest, Rollin Leonard, Sara Ludy, Shane McAdams, Jonathan McCabe, Austin Meredith, A. Bill Miller, Lorna Mills, Brenna Murphy, Daron Murphy, Sabrina Ratte, Jimmy Joe Roche and Mario Zoots.

Plink Flojd Portland 1.0 instantiates tonight at the Hollywood Theater in association with Floating World Comics. At Hollywood Theater 4122 NE Sandy Blvd. 9:30PM $7

The galleries in the Pioneer Place Mall open new shows tonight. Elizabeth Lamb from Brooklyn, formerly the UO White Box Gallery opens Mall of America: A Toll Free Audio Exhibition. The project collects open source audio which can be contributed by a toll free telephone number. The work is an exploration of the shopping mall. While the idea is ancient, it became an element of America's car culture zeitgeist. Today the megamall is in eclipse, replaced by the synthetic town, modeled after Europe's varied streetscapes. An example would be the Portland area's Bridgeport Village. How interesting that the event is held in the Pioneer Place Mall, developed by the Rouse Company, one of America's major mall developers.

Sculptor Michael Endo presents Black Field. Endo creates schematic representations of places and objects for this show.

Jason Doizé, curator of False Front presents Underlier. It is a sound installation themed on shipping and receiving.

All at Place, placepdx.tumblr.com a gallery on the 3rd floor of the Pioneer Place Mall along with the People's art of Portland and the Woolley Gallery. If the mall appears closed, enter the film theater building adjacent, travel through the tunnel to the Place mall, and take the elevator to the 3rd floor, sometimes the bridge on the 3rd floor is open too. 700 SW Fifth. 5PM-9 Free