Monday, January 13, 2014

January 15 Pope.L Portland

William Pope.L opens Claim tonight and speaks on his work. Pope.L is a great artist provocateur and star guest of PICA in its strong experimental visual art period of 10 years ago. And the exhibition is winner of the copywriting award for the month:

"When we quantify, we point. We point with a wavering finger. Like a child. Like a drunk. Like a dyslexic. Like a palsied person. Like a college student filled with helium. Like an old person filled with wisdom, we point with a wavering finger. And of course we insist; we insist we know, we know where we are pointing.

Claim is a piece, an exhibition about making sense of things and concomitantly making nonsense of that. Claim uses simple, poetic counting and quantification strategies to gnarly up a discussion about making sense/nonsense. The hinge between sense and nonsense is consciousness, or, more precisely, intention. This is a weak hinge: intention is ‘pointed at’ in this exhibition, usually where things do or do not come together. It may seem visually reticent, yet even so, it is important for use and interpretation."

Pope.l speaks tonight at Shattuck Hall Annex at 7PM, followed by a reception in the Littman and White gallery. In Shattuck Hall Annex, 1914 SW Park Avenue, at the corner of SW Broadway and Hall on the PSU campus and in the 7PM Reception ~8-10. Free