Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 18 Conceptual Physical Education

Physical Education, modern dancers, have been doing reading groups of short critical texts spanning art and culture. The texts are a collage, opening a creative portal, not a linear academic exercise.

Their latest event combines discussion, video, visual art and movement performance with Kalimah Abioto, Samiya Bashir, Roland Dahwen Wu, Keyon Gaskin, Allie Hankins, Maggie Heath, Sidony O'Neal, Sharita Towne, Stacey Tran, Takahiro Yamamoto and Lu Yim.

It all unfolds over two hours. The reading materials may be found at

Physical Educaion at Fortune Gallery and Press, nee HQHQ Objective 2235 W Burnside 4PM-6 Free