Friday, September 22, 2017

September 23 Meat Transformations

Glass art ranges in aesthetics from crafty, to excessively beautiful, to idea-driven contemporary. This show is the third.

Transformations is by artists Ligia Bouton, New Mexico; Kate Clements, Pennsylvania; Emily Counts, Washington; Emily Nachison, Oregon; and Judy Tuwaletstiwa, New Mexico.

They win the copywriting award for the month.

"Mysterious in its creation, common in its application, and utopian in visions of the future, glass is rife with cultural, scientific, and metaphysical meaning. The glass we encounter is largely comprised of sand, soda ash, lime, and metallic oxides. These minerals are combined, melted, and then cooled into a myriad of forms. The recipe is millennia old, but retains much of the magic that likely accompanied its first discovery. Sand is transformed into glass; it is a transformation that borders on the alchemical. A common material is made into something new with unique qualities that require a new category of matter: amorphous solid. [The] artists ... approach glass from diverse perspectives, but it is transformation – be it through meditations on mortality, adolescence, fantasy, or the spiritual - that draws them to this material and connects their work."

The website has a artist statements and photos.

Closing reception and artists' talks at RSVP requested 300 NW 13th 1PM-2:30 Free

Artists Mel Carter, Maggie-Rose Condit, Braxton Congrove, Dakota Gearhart and Elizabeth Mputu present A Situation of Meat. The show is curated by Julia Greenway from Seattle, the 7th Disjecta guest curator. At Disjecta, in the shadow of Paul Bunyan 8371 N. Interstate Map 6PM-10 Free