Saturday, December 02, 2017

December 2 Tidal Petals

Some of our favorite performers in Portland are Wobbly, the duo and partners Yulia Arakelyan and Erik Ferguson. They have been doing dream like films. Tidal screens tonight. Tidal "is an exploration of the relationship between the rhythm of mechanized breath and the rhythm of the oceans. It is a fantastical film, where breathing masks transform into diving masks, ventilator tubing morphs into costumes, and an ancient diver who calls the ocean home, draws us into his world. We fall, we dream, we dive." Strongly recommended. Screening and discussion by Wobbly at 2PM & 8:30 $10

Sarah Meyohas opens an installation Cloud of Petals taking all of Disjecta. At Disjecta, in the shadow of Paul Bunyan 8371 N. Interstate Map 6PM-9 Free