Friday, April 13, 2018

April 14 Yu Geys, Cats!

Belgian artist Jeff Geys opens one of his last shows at Yu tonight. It is an exploration of a lifetime of work including work made at Yu in a Sol LeWitt-process and combining samples from Geys previous works. Included is a project with Da Vinci middle school students; Geys worked for years in experimental arts education. His blog may provide a view of his work and the Yu website has a description of the show. Jeff Geys at Yu Contemporary Art 900 SE 10th 4PM-6 Free

Volt Divers is a night of analog synth performers. This month they are 6 performers and 2 quartets: Cat Synth (S.F.), ANON, Grease Envelope, Cult Quartet II, bifurcation, Occurian, Star Blade (Corvallis) and Cult Quartet I. Live visuals by Victoria - The theme tonight is cats, it's caturday, right? 100% of the modest cover, $5, goes to the a cat shelter. Volt Divers at Lovecraft Bar 421 SE Grand 7PM Sharp-10 $5