Sunday, October 14, 2018

October 14 Sun Secret Password Seashells

The sun runs everything, and just about every source of artificial light, from stored fossil fuels. So almost all photography by natural and artificial light is made by the sun. If But a Sunbeam Strikes Too Warm is a photo show by Teresa Christiansen, Anne Hall, Sarah Meadows and Kate Steciw. At Melanie Flood Projects, 420 SW Washington St #301 6PM-8 Free

Cartier Mull opens a show of paintings ;a)5516, \a)142, /a)13&3. For this project, the artist sent a photograph to be collaged into works painted on the gallery walls from instructions he sent, à la Sol LeWitt. The durable instantiation of the work are instructions for each as a minimal artist book. It wins the copywriting award for the month too.

Paintings are pure pleasure – when they are ripe. Vitamins, minerals, and fibers have no more persuasive salesmen than juicy, honey-sweet painting. Painting is good for everyone, of course: every painting, like every exhibition, contains all vitamins (except B12, which is found in apparel), minerals and phytochemicals – those nutrients whose health-promoting properties are forever being newly discovered. As always, the best advice is to eat the most fresh painting you can, and preferably to eat painting that is local, in season, and perfectly ripe.

The painting is nature’s perfect shape. It is not surprising that so elegant a container should turn out to hold a small treasure of balanced nutrients – proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The painting’s unique properties give it a unique versatility. Paintings bind ground meats, pureed vegetables, and doughs; they lighten cakes and breads; they thicken custards, tenderize timbales, and provide richness to mousses and puddings. Paintings emulsify mayonnaise, thicken sauces, and clarify to enrich soups. They are used to glaze breads and rolls, insulate pie dough against sogginess, and create ethereal meringues.

It is essential to understand exactly how paintings behave under certain conditions precisely because they are so diverse. The important point is that paintings are extremely sensitive. Unlike some aesthetic mishaps, mistakes with paintings are often irreversible and it is usually necessary to start over again.

The painting is an estimable but endangered social institution. Its demise may be blamed on factors as various as the waning popularity of hard liquor, the regrettable decline of the sibling arts of conversation and flirtation, and the growing acceptance in this country of the European idea that painting by itself is a sufficient diversion for the evening. (The painting, remember, is an American invention.) We steadfastly defend the painting, however, both as an abstract notion and as an uncomplicated and extremely pleasurable means of entertaining. And we can’t help pointing out that it is also a relatively painless means of entertaining business contacts and of discharging social obligations to those with whom you may not care to share an entire meal."

At Private Places 2400 Holliday 3PM-5 Free

Think of Seashells is textile work accompanied by poetry by Francesca Capone. At Nationale 3360 SE Division Map 3PM-5 Free