Saturday, December 21, 2019

December 22, 23, 24, 25 NTVTY X

A long time ago, it is said, immigrant-refugees Joseph and Mary gave birth to Jesus camping out in a stable. It parallels current events. So it compels artists to comment by reinterpreting it, including creating a distance from the commercial orgy.

NTVTY X drops four nights. It is the 10th year artists have made their own version here. It's a multi-artist creative collaboration.

Come celebrate 10 years of NTVTY!

Hair & Space Museum + Sister Ashby perform Sunday; CK Numbskull & Jai Milx + Dramaturgy, Monday; Misty Mary + Tabor Dark, Tuesday; and Jen Tam's Mariah Carey Xmas + A.D.D.M. Wednesday.

This year, the time-space tunnel provides entry, an LED shrine to Mary occupies the center, and a 3d printer prints the Messiah. A VR experience of the xhurch is available along with some holographic plaques.

At Xhurch 4550 NE 20th. Map 7PM-9 Donations $5-10 encouraged