Friday, April 22, 2022

April 22-23 Battery-Powered Polyphony

Experimental musician Naoyuki Arashi ~ ASUNA is always laying down new work. It has been so since her teen punk time.

A 'wall of synths," paralleling Coltrane's "wall of sound" referred to a dizzying array of knobs and wires in the Moog days. ASUNA brings a floor of keyboards in work "100 Keyboards." It is on tour.

100 plastic portable keyboards change pitch as their batteries run down. It takes up part of a warehouse for two evenings here to walk around with your ears.

"100 Keyboards is a live music performance/installation featuring as the title implies over 100 keyboards. This performance focuses on the phenomenon of “interference sound," the complex distribution of sound pressure and other parameters as sound waves of the same frequency but with a different direction of transmission overlap. As each keyboard plays a sustained note of a certain pitch, and as the number of notes increases, a “moiré of sound” is created. The auditory experience is akin to weaving an individual “textile pattern" (the original meaning of “moiré") and a sound equivalent to the visual “moiré effect.” As you change the direction of your ears while listening, or move to a different location, the complex, interfering sounds and resonances in space will produce a different aural pattern composed of buzzes, loops, and beats, unique to each location. Most of the keyboards being played are inexpensive products or made as toys, so the pitch/tuning of each key may be slightly off and fluctuate slightly in pitch when played for a length of time. This slight misalignment creates the complex resonance" - the artist.

At 15 NE Hancock 6PM $5 Arts for All/Students ... $10 General Sliding Scale ... $20 General Sliding Scale ... $25 True Cost