Friday, May 13, 2022

May 13 City of Blue

Sari Carel started her art life in Israel at Bezalel, then an MFA from Hunter in 2001; now she is based in Brooklyn. She has been doing well traveling residencies, including Portland's C3: in 2019.

She has a new work, opening this afternoon, The Sun is a Mouth of Blue, cyanotypes with gouache. It is related to her City of Trees residency in New York. Cyanotypes are a chemical-based imaging process exposed by UV-A, freely available from the sun.

Her large scale installation works are modernist, inspired by, or in, nature. She works in video and drawing too. She is up to date on social practice works. Her work is visually beautiful, and it brings layers of ideas. That is apropos her interview with the late Dave Hickey, a proponent of beauty as an ingredient in contemporary art, but not the only ingredient. His writing on beauty in art is easily searchable.

We hope she develops a connection to the Lumber Room and makes public artwork here.

At Melanie Flood Projects, one of 3 Portland galleries in the New Art Dealers Alliance 420 SW Washington St #301 Early 4PM-6 Free