Saturday, September 17, 2022

September 17 Sand Mile Letters

The earth is made of rock. The rock is made of elements birthed by the Big Bang a long time ago. Each element is different but the same elemental particles. But they have different weight and color. And for a long time, the weather powered by the sun has been breaking down the rock. Big pieces break, then smaller, then they wash down the streams, rounding. They break into sand, then further into the tiny particles making clay.

Kate Malone Kimmich photographs the beach. The sand sifts by weight arranged by water in different colors. She captures the patterns along with other beach elements.

Her show is Tidal Breaths: Wakonda Beach in Winter.

It is an endless story captured by a poem in the Tang Dynasty:

A wave of sand comes
Another pulls it back
One cycle dies
Another is born
Mutually stirring each other
It can teach the mountain and seas
To eventually be one

At 1122 Outside Gallery 7629 SE Harrison 5PM-8 Free

It is a bit far out for art geographically; the photography show by Larry Cwik, The Visitor, Walking 1000 Miles through Mexico, is in far Multnomah Village. He works in large prints of images gathered throughout Mexico. The opening this afternoon is quite the sprawling event. There is a new short film by Cwik, screened, a book released, for signing, and poetry read by Walt Curtis. Curtis remains active with, a poetry podcast over 45 years. The PCC North View Gallery is in that area, so you could link trips.

At Multnomah Arts Center 7688 SW Capitol Highway 1PM-3 Free

Learn but the letters forme(d) by heart, Then soon you’l gain this noble art, is a group show by Alex Anderson, Polly Apfelbaum, Katherine Bernhardt, Joy Feasley, Raque Ford, Peter Gallo, Jesse Harrod, Abe Lampert, Maia Ruth Lee, Mirco Marchelli, Ryan McLaughlin, Molly Metz, Jeffry Mitchell, Erin Jane Nelson, Borna Sammak, Patricia Treib with fraktur by Unknown Artist, Christian Bamberger, "Flying Angel" Artist, and "School of Weiss" Artist. It is an opportunity to see the gallery interests.

At Adams and Ollman Gallery, the second of two members of the New Art Dealers Alliance, 418 NW 8th 1PM-4 Free