Saturday, October 15, 2022

October 15-16 Waveform Inversion Song

Control Voltage has a pre-event demo for Elektron synths all the way from Sweden. They make box synths, no physical patching, with Teenage Engineering pricing, and in black rather than white panels and knobs. They have their own samples for sale ecosystem to. They are demonstrating their Song Mode. At Control Voltage 3742 NE Mississippi. 3PM Free

Inversion is a synth performance. Performers are Tim Held (SEA) of the Podular Modcast, Racia (SEA) of Further Records, Camino Acid (PDX) of Pyramid Xmissions, with DJ Trust Anchor, and visuals by Brother vs Robot. Inversion at Black Swan upstairs Saturday 727 SE Grand 8PM-late %10

Waveform is a synth equipment demo. So all the knob twiddlers and patch pluggers should be there! There is more on the schedule of workshops and talks. Waveform Sunday at the Evergreen upstairs 618 SE Alder 10AM-5PM $10