Saturday, August 12, 2023

August 12 Massive Love Pipes

The independent Biomass pop-up curated by Jeff Jahn hosts its fourth artist talk with participating artists Malia Jensen, Ralph Pugay and Bruce Conkle. Biomass at 608 NW 13th, #102 3:30PM talk Free

Rigmarole Elizabeth Arzani, Ahuva Zaslavsk opens.

"Pipes deliver and receive as conductors; they flow all sorts of materials to both of their ends. But what happens when the pipe clogs?

In this exhibition, Portland based artists Elizabeth Arzani and ahuva s. zaslavsky meet in a rambling garden to conduct a dialogue about the concept of ends and the spaces in between, discussing the role of pipes and tubes as mechanisms for transporting materials and connecting contrasting spaces.

The tunnels connect the functional and metaphorical: the inside and outside, the pleasant and repulsive and the vulgar and refined. These unseen intermediate spaces act as mediators between senders and recipients but can also cause disruptions and misunderstandings, similar to language and communication channels.

The audience is encouraged to wander through the forking paths of the garden, engaging in a dialogue about the visible and hidden, artificial and natural elements, in order to untie dysfunctional knots and foster new connection. "

At 1122 Outside Gallery 7629 SE Harrison 4PM-8 Free

ILY2 Too closes their women annimation show with a party. It is part of the DARPA residency. At I Love You 2 Too - ILY2 In the Lloyd Mall, lower level far East down the hall by the abandoned Marshalls. 6PM-9 Free