Saturday, September 09, 2023

September 9 Rewind

Rewind is a show of clothing art by Martha Daghlian and Jen LaMastra.

""History is slippery like satin. We wear stories of the past like a uniform, a costume, a suit of armor, or a disguise. Timelines unravel and are stitched together as memory or custom dictates.

LaMastra’s meticulously constructed garments are as playful as they are assertive, evoking the lineage of feminist art and pop cultural artifacts, in alignment with her ongoing practice of political “craftivism.”

In Daghlian’s haphazardly sewn pieces, European archetypes like the fool and the scholar are reanimated before a backdrop of patchworked historical imagery, encouraging a poetic disassembly of the past.

Both artists take unique approaches to transform soft and discarded materials into adornments for acts of resilience, resistance, and reimagination.""

At 1122 Outside Gallery 7629 SE Harrison 5PM-8, short performance 5:30 sharp Free