Saturday, October 26, 2019

October 26 Butoh Pome

Natsu Nakajima is one of the first female butohs. Today she works with disabled individuals. She makes her second, and perhaps last, visit to Portland at age 76. Tonight she guests a discussion. At Headwaters Theater 55 NE Farragut St. #9. The theater is in the back of the building by the active railroad tracks facing Winchell Street. Map 7PM $5-20

Jennifer Pons-Wilber reads poems alongside Todd Molinari‘s visual show: Trickster of the Dark God. The intent is to "open up a larger conversation of Jungian ideas of becoming, dreams, and moving through traumatic memories through artistic and alchemical processes." At the Third Room Project 717 NE Broadway #205 7PM-9 Free