Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 13 Ignite Selfless

I am interested in many things, but this blog hews to art - with a few excursions, including Ignite. Ignite is a cross between Toastmasters and speed dating for the software and web development creative community. Speed dating in the sense that short presentations equal shorts programs in film festivals. If you are bored, a change of scenery is only minutes away. Each presenter has 20 slides, 15 seconds each, 5 minutes total. Very ADD - in a good way. Portland presentations have been a mix of irreverent, how to and occasionally serious.

The existential hobble of Powerpoint acknowledged, these evenings tend to be fun events with smart people. Ignite Portland 4 is at the Bagdad Theater. There tends to be a long line occasioned by the required OLCC ID check for age 21 admittees only. Holders of the free sold out advance tickets at 5:30PM, the line at 6:15PM, Presentations 7PM-10 Free

Portland filmmakers span shorts to features. The nature of the art can be the transition between making small and making large. Longtime Portland artist-filmaker Jacob Pander has created his first large film Selfless with brother Arnold. Its timely Portland themes of architectural ego, green and identity theft play out in a feature length thriller; premiere here. Part of the NW Film and Video Festival. Portland Art Museum Whitsell Auditorium. Arrive Early. 7PM $7-8