Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22 Tuva!

Tyva Kyzy, Daughters of Tuva, are an all girl Tuvan throat singing troupe from, well, Tuva. They promote throat singing among the women of Tuva. It is controversial for women to sing, so that puts them somewhere between riot grrrls and the Rock and the Roll Camp for Girls. Tuvan throat singing requres singing the fundamental [note] while symultaneously establishing an overtone resonance in the vocal cavity. Easier to say than do. Throat singing is often performed in the landscape as part of the traditional nature-based Tuvan spiritual tradition. Tuva is a region of the Russian federation between Mongolia and Siberia which entered Western consciousness in the form of a book Tuva or Bust, chronicling the attempt of brilliant physicist and Nobel winner Richard Feynman to visit Tuva.

Tyva Kyzy performs in the khoomei, sygyt, kargyraa, ezenggileer, chylandyk, borbangnadyr and damyrak borbangy styles.

At Lewis and Clark Chapel 7:30PM Free (they also perform in Eugene Saturday and down the West Coast and in Hawaii - check the website)

The same evening the gallery shows reGeneration:50 Photographers of Tomorrow curated by William A. Ewing, Nathalie Herschdorfer and Jean-Christophe Blaser of the Musée de L'Elysée in Lausanne, Switzerland. At the Hoffman Gallery on campus. 5PM-7. Free