Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 29 Alberta

The Alberta neighborhood adjacent to and extending South of Almeda was at one time German. The destruction of Vanport by flood brought African Americans. Low prices brought artists. Artists brought the mix we have today. A few of those artists hew to contemporary art vectors - idea driven, conceptual, minimal, illustration, video art, installation. Prime exponents of art with direction are two small spaces, Appendix Project Space and Little Field Gallery, ally garages with smart curation. They are cooperating now in their programming. See the shows on the alley between 26th and 27th, South of Alberta and between 28th and 29th North of Alberta. 6-10ish Free

The False Front Studio also does great programming. It's 4518 NE 32nd 7-10 Free

And over on Killingsworth, the other Alberta, Melody Owen has curated a show around the artwork in her book The Disappearing Book. How appropriate as oil threatens Gulf estuaries. At the Container Corps 1322 N Killingsworth 7PM Free